About Opas Soap

Soap has given us an experience that no one else could give us.
I know, sounds strange, but how many of us take soap for granted? We get up in the morning, jump in the shower, use our soap, and then we are off with our day.
Not only is the market oversaturated with soap, we don't know what soap to buy because there are so many choices.
When Thomas and I lost his grandfather, Johann, soap was the only thing there in Hawaii to help us grieve. This sad experience created something beautiful. It created Opas Soap. From that day on, I started researching the best quality and longest lasting soap there is. Without refinement, without chemicals, just soap -- the way it was intended to be.
We tortured our friends and family to go through tests. Printed out sheets for them to survey. Then finally, we had our perfect recipes. Thereafter, we branched out, just as a tree branches out when it grows. I'll never look at a bar of soap the same again and from then on, I had nothing but appreciation for soap.
As our philosophy grew, we knew we wanted to be as eco-friendly as possible. We believe that what you give to the world, the world will give back to you and mirror your actions. This meant for us: using recycled paper and printing with soy ink as well as carefully thinking out all the small details of packaging. We don't want to contribute to our recycling problems.
A couple of years ago, after completion of adding 10 varieties of soap to our line, we started researching about other natural products that we would use in our daily life that we weren't satisfied with. I wasn't satisfied with neither chemical formulated nor natural shampoos and Thomas didn't like the fact that hand sanitizers that were labeled natural, took the skin right off of his fingers after using it.
After sending into a lab our shampoo, conditioners, and lotion formulas for multiple testing of its preservatives and receiving exciting results. We decided to release them. This would complete our line and we were so happy to go on this natural journey. About 10 years ago, we threw alll chemical products away. In fact, I had developed a form of eczema from my chemical laundry detergent but soon after detoxing and switching to only using my soaps, I healed my skin. Same for my sister, she had a form of eczema and really dry flaky skin, she now has nice soft skin and says she has our oatmeal soap to thank for that.
We wish you the best for both you and your family. We hope our products can be of help to you and the love that was put into them be transferred to you. Nature is amazing and we would like it to be around for our children to see. We are willing to change our habits, and hopefully it will make a difference even if its just small its a step into the right direction.
Thank you for reading.
Favorite Animals?
Thomas: squirrels and most insects.
Mercedes: horses, birds and cats.
Favorite Food, Go!
Thomas: Pasta
Mercedes: Indian Cuisine, salads
Some things about the owners
They are vegetarians since 2005.
Favorite Opas Soap product
Thomas: Walnut Soap
Mercedes: Wild Argan Shampoo
Places you like to visit:
Thomas: Hawaii
Mercedes: Israel