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Rainwater, Harvesting, and Benefits

Rain is here! California needs rain. Lately we have been receiving some generous rainstorms. We need the rain water as it has so many benefits for us and our environment. Lets take a look at the importance of rain water.

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Bees are dying. Are neonicotinoids killing bees?

An interview with Peter Kranz and Alexis Ballis. When you think of bees, you think of honey. But not all bees produce honey and not all bees live together - there are individual bees too. There are over 600 different species of wild...

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The Chemical Trap

This documentary is originally produced in German but we have personally translated so many can have access to these findings. Please use the link below to forward using email or post to your social networking pages. The documentary...

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Enhancing the bees habitat

For example there is much research behind the disappearance of many bees around the continent and scientist speculate this is because global warming, pesticides, and habitat loss.

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A look at the world without bees

Man would experience malnutrition as a lack of the essential vitamins and minerals needed from vegetables and fruits. In the United States alone more than 800,000 hives have been wiped out in the year 2007. What is the cause? Colony...

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Environmental issues of California

California has the worst air pollution in the entire country. Over 90% of Californians, according to the California Air Resources Board, reside in areas where the air is unsafe. (Example 9 people out of 10) Unsafe air means increased...

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Going Green?

Every couple years or so we go through trends and fads. I am sure you remember the 60’s, everyone falling in love with nature all over again, something we seem to repeat. I do wonder when many people will understand we need nature in...

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