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Why Bitter foods are Important to eat

Bitter substances found in bitter foods make hormonal and immunological changes. The hunger for sweets and energy and metabolic disorders we see today are enormously influenced by bitter substances.

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Beat Stress with these 3 tips

As the holiday season kicks in, the stress levels tend to rise. Here are some ways you can stop stress in its tracks and keep calm even through long lines at the supermarket.

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Are air fresheners toxic?

TOXIC! Yes! Not only are they toxic for you and your family but also for your four legged friends. Cats and dogs, just like humans, also have lungs and we are creating a toxic environment for them if we are using air fresheners. What...

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Does your Lip Balm cause Cancer?

Lip balms, everyone uses them, in fact daily. Especially when it’s cold outside, our lips become dry and then we reach often for a lip balm to protect our lips. Not all lip balms are so to say “healthy”. In mainstream lip balms such as...

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Anno 1800 Product Line

Anno 1800 Product Line Anno 1800 are Antique German Health and Beauty Care Recipes sold in Apothecaries and Drug Stores around the end of the 18th century. These recipes are effective and all natural. We decided...

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Why Natural

We are happy to hear you are concerned about your well-being. Natural products as well as remedies are safe to use and have been used for thousands of years, they are not harmful like synthetic chemicals. We are connected to nature and...

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Top Health Trends 2015

A great way to start of the year is to form healthier habits. Whether those habits are riding your bike to work instead of taking the car or walking 30 minutes a day or swapping out a banana for a chocolate bar. Ok ok, these are the...

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Health benefits of Marshes or Moor

Moor, fen, marsh, or a swamp; they are the most healing and beneficial bodies of water. Those muddy looking waters, who would want to jump into that? Well, after I clarify how healing and beneficial these moors and marshes can be, I...

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Sodium Benzoate Good or Bad?

After receiving some emails from concerned customers with confusion on the subject of this natural occurring ingredient called Sodium Benzoate, we decided to clear up some confusion by elaborating further on this subject.

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The Importance of Water and Salt

In our affluent society millions of people suffer from obesity, slagging and thus resulting in diseases. The causes: sedentary lifestyle, eating too many calories - and chronic lack of water and salt. It sounds strange that too little...

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Detox your taste buds

Whether your starting a new lifestyle or keeping up with the current one i.e. keeping healthy, eating right, and exercising. Detoxing can keep your taste buds clean. What do I mean by clean? Well, some people do not know the difference...

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Grandma's home remedies

Remedies are very popular because they work. Best of all, you can relieve annoying symptoms such as runny nose and cough in a natural way.

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Weight loss check in #1

How is your week going so far? Are you eating every two to three hours? Remember eating every two to three hours will help you burn calories faster and avoid feeding your body too many calories at once making you feel too full.

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Myths about Water & Health

Myth #1: 2 Quarts of water daily (64oz) is all adults need to stay hydrated. Actually, the current recommendation is 1/2oz per body weight. So if you are 150lbs, you would need 75oz of water a day to be adequately hydrated. The larger...

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Holidays and losing weight

So the holidays are coming up and I’m pushing for at least 10 pounds of weight loss. Here are some tips and tricks to get you ready for the holidays as well as fighting from picking up that last piece of pumpkin pie.

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Is Meditation beneficial

Meditation has been around for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations practice meditation. Researchers speculate that primitive hunter-gatherer societies may have discovered meditation and its altered states of consciousness while...

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Vegetables that can prevent Cancer

A very interesting study from Richard Béliveau, Ph.D, states that certain vegetables inhibit certain cancer by up to 90% (animal study). 34 vegetables were used on 8 different tumor cell lines derived from the stomach, kidneys,...

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