Reading a book?

Reading is fundamental and proves to exercise the mind. So what book are you reading this summer? Reading stimulates your brain. Studies have shown reading allows your mind to stay sharp even as we age. Reading to the brain is like exercise to the body. Without exercise your body starts to break down and deteriorate. Like the old saying: If you do not use it, you lose it.
So what benefits can you receive from reading. When reading you become actively involved where as watching TV you are passively involved while your brain soaks up whatever is happening on the TV set.
This is why many commercials and advertisement exist to assist your passive activity convincing you to run and pick up a bucket of hormone and antibiotic-pumped up fried chicken. Our first reading benefit is keeping a sharp mind throughout old age. Did you know reading has the ability to increase your vocabulary more than talking or teaching? This means our children will most likely gain more vocabulary through reading than if they were having a conversation with a well-educated adult. Reading also helps us gain general knowledge. The more you read the smarter you become because the more knowledge you gain. Studies show, people who read are most likely not misinformed. Misinformation is everywhere especially in the media. An early start in reading is important. So why not start now? Pick up a book and find a quiet place to enjoy the adventure your mind awaits. Even unborn children can get an early start. Scientist from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, at Maastricht University Medical Centre St conducted a study of 100 healthy pregnant women and their fetuses on five occasions during the last eight weeks of their pregnancies. The women received a series of one-second buzzes on their bellies with a "fetal vibroacoustic stimulator," a handle held device used to gauge an unborn baby's heart rate and general well-being.
The baby's response - primarily eye, mouth and body movements were closely monitored over the weeks with ultrasound imaging to gauge "fetal learning patterns". Researchers found the baby acclimated (to accustom or become accustomed to a new climate or environment; adapt) themselves to the sounds and vibrations to the point that they no longer bothered to respond. This process is known as habituation. (Habituation is reduction of psychological or behavioral response occurring when a specific stimulus occurs repeatedly) This means the unborn babies accepted the stimulus and or sound as safe.
Researchers also found the unborn babies improved these skills, as they grew older, with those who were 34 and or 36 weeks old showing their familiarity with the one-second buzzes.
Other research conducted in Canada and China found that unborn babies are able to recognize their mothers voice by the third trimester of pregnancy. It is believed that this can help babies learn and develop language abilities at an early stage. If your baby can recognize your voice this is a chance to talk and read to your baby.
Start reading today!