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Good to know

How often should I wash my hands?

We washed our hands after using the restroom, before cooking, and generally throughout the day when coming into contact with something messy but now washing hands are crucial. It can mean breakouts of sickness in a restaurant, food poisoning,...

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Lavender Production in Provence France

The Provence in the sunny south of France is still the most important place of production of lavender world. Various factors must form a harmonious coexistence, so that the lavender is satisfied. The four cultivated in Provence species have...

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Preparing Your Skincare Routine for Spring

As spring approaches, many of us are getting ready to embrace the lightness, rejuvenation, and new beginnings associated with winter's end. I recently met the owners of Opas Soap at an event in Malibu, where I was able to check out some of...

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Handmade Pumpkin Soap

It's pumpkin season! Our beautiful pumpkins, molded out of a real pumpkin are here! Enjoy handmade custom pumpkin spiced miniature pumpkin-sized soaps. Use for decoration,

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Water and its memory

Water is not a simple liquid - it has strong polar hydrogen bonds, which are responsible for anomalies in the physical and chemical properties. For its Dipole characters, water represents an ideal medium for differentiated recording of information....

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Big Bad Corn

If you’ve ever creeped your way through a corn maze at Halloween, you know how it can grab ahold of your imagination, turning benign stalks into monsters and discarded cobs into severed limbs. It’s just a trick of the light–but take a look...

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At the Beekeeper

Meet Alfred, beekeeper in Henndorf (translated Chicken Village). Alfred has been beekeeping most of his life. While some people enjoy helping animals or working in a zoo, Alfred loves his bees. Check out a short introduction as we go behind...

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A Ladybugs Life

Ladybugs (Coccinellidae) are a common worldwide family hemispherical, airworthy beetle , whose wing covers usually have a different number of striking points. Many species feed on leaf and scale insects.

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Difference between Salts

We just started carrying Rock Salt for our customers who are interested and also for conscious eaters like myself and Thomas. We have been using rock salt for a couples years now. If you are pondering what the taste is, well, it taste like...

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Our Social Future

Many of us take part in social networking on the Internet as there is no time to visit friends or take a trip with our family. We simply like to view what activities others are partaking in and wish we could be there to join them. Sadly,...

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The control of a World

The food industry as we know it is very twisted today. Every major company has subsidiaries and by creating this monopoly results one company owning many of the worlds consumer product brands. For example, Unilever is a British company, and...

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Vote with your dollar

Most likely you did not escape the horrifying way our world works nowadays. Politically, economically and the ever growing cleft between the rich and the middle class. Politics is thriving on smear campaigns and childish behaviors, majority...

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The Story of Cosmetics

The Story of Cosmetics, released on July 21st, 2010 at, examines the pervasive use of toxic chemicals in our everyday personal care products, from lipstick to baby shampoo. Produced by Free Range Studios and hosted by...

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A sweet problem...

Princeton researchers find that high-fructose corn syrup prompts considerably more weight gain When male rats were given water sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup in addition to a standard diet of rat chow, the animals gained much more...

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Reading a book?

Reading is fundamental and proves to exercise the mind. So what book are you reading this summer? Reading stimulates your brain. Studies have shown reading allows your mind to stay sharp even as we age. Reading to the brain is like exercise...

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Vitamin Shampoo?

All right readers it is time to crack this one open. Vogue international has a shampoo and conditioner line called "Vitamin Shampoo". Vogue international advertises their natural sulfate and paraben-free shampoos and conditioners. Infact,...

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Soap vs. Dove - We lose?

Doves new ad campaign makes soap users uncertain of soap scum. First of all, don't PANIC. Second, soap scum is formed by mineral in tap water combined with soap. With hard water you have more soap scum than with soft water. If water is "hard"...

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