Are air fresheners toxic?

TOXIC! Yes! Not only are they toxic for you and your family but also for your four legged friends. Cats and dogs, just like humans, also have lungs and we are creating a toxic environment for them if we are using air fresheners. What kind of air fresheners am I referring to? Read below.
PLUG-IN air fresheners are TOXIC
Plug out your PLUGIN’s because they may be making you sick. Plugin air fresheners contain hundreds of chemicals that are carcinogenic. Carcinogens cause cancer, for example in some studies carcinogens cause kidney and testicular cancer in Rats. Some of the main name brand Plug-in's include Glade, and Air Wick.
Just think about it for a second. Which one of these examples sounds not acceptable?
Option #1 emitting (scentless but toxic) chemicals into the air
Option #2 emitting (scented but toxic) chemicals into the air
Option #3 All of the above
What if the chemicals we are emitting into the air smell good but still toxic? Is that okay? No, the reason why is because they are concentrated toxic formulas. Imagine having these plugin air fresheners, most people have more than one plugged in at a time. If you have a plugin and all the doors are closed and you come home, you are surrounded in a chemical stew and this is how many health problems develop such as infertility, breathing problems, bronchitis, cancer, headaches, nausea, nerve damage, neurological damage, increase risk of Alzheimers, and much more.
Febreeze air freshener is TOXIC
Do you ever wonder why certain smells can stay so long in a room? Did you know the longer these scents linger, the more toxic they are? Febreeze is one of these great examples. You can cover up the smell of old socks, dirty laundry, dirty mattresses, and mold. There are many who use Febreeze to “freshen up” their car, the carpet, THE AIR. That’s right, what is the main selling point of Febreeze? It’s to freshen up the air. If you need fresh air, you should try opening your door, bedroom window, balcony, etc.. What you should not do is spray chemicals in your air and pollute your body, there's enough pollution outside already. Your lungs will be happy if you just decide to actually get some “fresh air”. Take a walk around the block, jog, or do a breathing exercise. There are many ways to get fresh not stale but fresh air into your body.
Paraffin Candles are TOXIC
Candles are lovely, aren’t they? They spark something in us. We LOVE candles. The flame, the color, the smell, and the environment it creates — it’s just magical. Only issue, all candles are not created equally. Paraffin is the most used wax in candle making worldwide because its cheap to make, burns nicely, and neutrality. Fact is, Paraffin is toxic. When you light a candle made with Paraffin, it creates two chemicals called benzene and toluene. These two chemicals are carcinogens. Combine benzene, toluene, and your highly scented candle (ingredient: parfum) and you have your self a carcinogen cocktail. If you absolutely need candles, try steering towards beeswax or coconut wax candles.
Other example of toxic air fresheners
There are many types of air fresheners. For example Air Wick and Glade also make air fresheners with the option of an aerosol can or sprayer. These are also toxic and should be eliminated from the household.
Are air refreshers toxic for babies or pets?
Yes, any potent chemical going into the air is toxic for a newborn, baby, or pet. It’s important to keep the household neutral to encourage normal growth development for your child.