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The Importance of Water and Salt

Author: Dr. Barbara Hendel: Doctor and author, leads a day hospital for regulatory biological therapies, Health care and regeneration in Herrsching / Upper Bavaria Germany Source: © Bunte Magazin

How important is clean water and salt for the body?

In our affluent society millions of people suffer from obesity, slagging and thus resulting in diseases. The causes: sedentary lifestyle, eating too many calories - and chronic lack of water and salt. It sounds strange that too little water and salt makes us fat, lazy, sick and prematurely old. Finally, we have an abundance of water and salt is regarded as white poison rather than white gold. However, we mainly consume chemically manufactured drinks instead of drinking pure water, seasoning with worthless common salt (sodium chloride) instead of full-fledged natural salt. The physician Dr. Barbara Hendel from Herrsching in Upper Bavaria has dealt with international research on curative effects of natural spring water and salt. With biophysicist Peter Ferreira she summarized the findings in the book "Water & Salt - source of life".

Why is water so important?

Without water we can not exist. Our body consists of about 70 percent water. The Brain contains even more than 90 percent water transporting nutrients to all organs, supplies the nerves, maintains the function and reproductive performance of all body cells, it is also required for all functions of the blood and lymph system and regulates our bodies temperature. Water flushes out the constant accumulation of toxins through the kidneys, intestines, skin, and lungs. We lose daily two liters of this precious substance. We have to replace this, so drink at least two liters of water per day.

What happens if you do not drink enough water?

The body balances out the lack of water like this: In order to disolve the waste products, the body uses the precious bodily fluids (cell water). The cells die, resulting in cellulite, swelling and edema. If our organism does not receive clean water for a long enough time the body will store more and more waste products and contaminants into vessels and tissues. That overloads the metabolism and the excretory organs. Interstitial fluid, blood and lymph thickens, the immune system is reduced, the transmission of nerve impulses are weaker or even blocked, cell turnover slows down and you age faster.

Too little water makes you old and sick?

The body balances out the lack of water like this: In order to disolve the waste products, the body uses the precious bodily fluids (cell water). The cells die, resulting in cellulite, swelling and edema. If our organism does not receive clean water for a long enough time the body will store more and more waste products and contaminants into vessels and tissues. That overloads the metabolism and the excretory organs. Interstitial fluid, blood and lymph thickens, the immune system is reduced, the transmission of nerve impulses are weaker or even blocked, cell turnover slows down and you age faster.

Do most people drink enough water?

No. Most drink only chemically treated liquids like soda, cola, coffee, tea or alcohol, but hardly any water. Our body is not 70 percent of coffee, cola or wine, but 70 percent water.

But doesn't coffee, soda, beer and wine, also contain water?

Water serves as a carrier of course. Soft drinks, however, are encumbered with a lot of harmful chemicals such as dyes, preservatives, sugar or sugar substitutes and artificial flavors. In order to remove these contaminants from the body, the body needs water. Often even more water is needed for stimulants such as coffee, tea or alcohol that deprives the body of more fluid because of its caffeine and alcohol. It is needed to flush the resulting degradation products. Therefore, one wakes up after a night of drinking experiencing parched thirst, even if you've been drinking gallons of beer a few hours ago. Also, the result of headaches, body aches, and nausea are the sequelae of acute dehydration and acidosis.

But you can not just drink water?

Of course not, you can drink your favorite soda, a glass of prosecco, beer or wine, but you should drink about the same amount of water. In addition of course to the two liters of water as a basic service.

The best bottled water?

Not just any mineral or bottled water, but as pollutant-free, non carbonated, very low mineral spring water. Our body has problems absorbing dissolved minerals in water. The building blocks are too large to enter into the cells. Only organically built minerals as found in fruits and vegetables can be well utilized. Inorganic mineral blocks that float in mineral water stick often together with other substances, such as animal protein to vessel walls or are deposited between joints.

Are water cleanses not always equally good?

Water can purify the body better when there are less minerals present. Because toxins and deposits can only attach themselves to free spots in the water that are not already occupied by minerals, bind and and then be flushed out.

Why should you drink water without gas?

Carbonic acid is acidic, as the name implies. We have however, too many acids in the body. Also reinforced carbonic risk that the inorganic minerals unite to even larger particles: The combination of calcium and bicarbonate, for example, produced lime, which can then settle in the fine blood vessels and in the brain. This leads to calcification. Carbonic acid also destroys the biophysical structure of water.

Biophysical structure - what is that?

Water is an information carrier. It has recently been scientifically proven that water stores healing energy in the form of frequency patterns - similar to sound waves. This is called biophysical structure. These energies can be transmitted to other water systems such as living organisms. This also explains the effectiveness of homeopathy. Belladonna, the plant for headaches is no longer detectable in a strong dilution, still has the means. Because water stores each type of information, it can also absorb the vibration of plastics. So you should only buy water in glass bottles.

Salt you say. Why do you recommend salt, when all doctors say that salt is unhealthy?

Table salt is actually not a salt, but sodium chloride and that's actually harmful. Natural salt is not just the two elements sodium and chlorine, but more than 84 elements. These 84 natural salt elements are also present in our body. Our tissue, blood, our tears, the amniotic fluid in which the embryo grows up match a one-percent brine, a salt water solution that is identical to the primordial sea.

Why are all the good parts from the salt taken out?

93 percent of the world's salt production is used in the industry. For that you need a different chemical process, such as for color production, pure sodium chloride. The same salt migrates unfortunately in our salt shaker. Man loves everything that is refined, whether that's flour, sugar or salt. Nice and clean, free-flowing and snow white. Not only that almost all of his valuable ingredients are taken out of regular salt, but they add ingredients to preservatives and to keep it loose, uniformly fine-grained, years of drying to keep it able to scatter. Some salt shakers contain even toxic aluminum hydroxide, which can damage the brain. The simple table salt is highly aggressive. Together with the additives it overwhelms our metabolism and the excretion organs. Pure natural salt is healthy and vital.

Necessary for life?

As I said: Our body is composed of exactly the same elements as we find them in pure natural salt. Everyone needs these minerals in order to stay healthy and fit. Already the ancient Romans knew that. They paid their soldiers with salt, thus originating the English word "Salary".

Without salt nothing works in the body?

Right. Nerve impulses can be transmitted only if sufficient salt is present in the body fluid. Everyone knows from physics classes, the electrical conductivity of salt: If you have two wires of an open circuit in a glass of distilled water and you add a light bulb afterwards, it will not light up. However, sprinkle some salt into the water, the light bulb lights up immediately. That works also in humans, if energy or brainstorms are missing. To lethargy, fatigue, pain, or impaired concentration, lack of salt is often to blame.

Which salt should I use?

Rock salt is qualitatively much better than saline. Unrefined sea salt is recommended, but unfortunately often burdened by pollution with harmful substances. Best of all is crystal salt. Here are all the essential minerals and trace elements found in the exact concentration, our body needs and can absorb and utilize it optimally.

What is crystal salt?

As the name suggests, salt in crystalline form. There was millions of years in the mountains under very great pressure. It built on uniform crystalline lattice structures in which the essential minerals are optimally incorporated.

Crystal salt is a cure?

It is a food, however if high quality it has health benefits and stimulates detoxifying and anti-aging processes in the body. With a Sole Tincture you can bring the body into balance and fill up the empty tanks: create a brine solution with crystal salt chunks and pure spring water. Take daily one teaspoon in a glass of spring water. In the kitchen, you should spice sparingly, but only with natural salt. Also illnesses such as colds, pain and problems with the skin you can use salt applications. Wraps and baths help remove toxins.

Where to get good water and crystal salt?

You should be able to find good water in stores. Unfortunately, poor quality crystal salt is often sold expensive.