Sagebrush has been used for millennia in China under the name Qin Hao as a medicinal plant.
The plant is native to Asia and Europe and naturalized in North America. Costanoan Indians applied leaves to wounds or aching teeth for pain reduction, and as a decoction to bathe patients with colds, coughs, and rheumatism.
In Native American culture the plant is well respected and used in ceremonies of thankfulness a long with purifying the surrounding living spaces and atmosphere. Sage brush has a rather fruity, herbal yet sweet and clean scent. Both the extract and oil of Sagebrush is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal.
Opas Natural Pain Aid can help with bothersome aches and pains. To apply Sagebrush to aching muscles and joints, simply spray 1-2 times on the local area of complaint.
4fl.oz (118ml)