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Ways to make your hair grow fast

Stop spending hundreds of dollars on hair growth products

Long healthy hair, we all want it at some point in time of our lives. Unfortunately, expensive products will not get you long hair, heres why. Hair is made up of proteins and amino acids.

Stop spending hundreds of dollars on hair growth products

What does this mean?

This means you could very well increase your amount of quality protein and amino acids in your diet if you are looking to grow your hair. This will take care of the one part of internal care for growing strong long hair. Of course there are other factors that involve hair growth including getting a rich amount of vitamin D, omega 3s, zinc, vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Iron in your diet. This is when a supplement might be valuable. I always aim for eating colorful. Chances are if your food is a rainbow and you are eating a variety of foods on a weekly basis, then you are getting more than enough vitamins and minerals. By understanding that in order to grow healthy hair, your internel regimen is if not the most important but the key to seeing results quickly.

Externel ways to make your hair grow faster

Amino Acids

Just like our skin, our hair is happy to receive topical nutrition and protection. This means, apple cider vinegar which is composed of amino acids is very beneficial for the hair. Apple cider rinses are not only beneficial for the hair but they make the hair shiny. Beer is also rich in amino acids and produces the same effect but is not as beneficial as apple cider vinegar.


Secondly, adding proteins to the hair can also help the process of hair growth by strengthening the hair. This includes, yogurt hair mask and egg hair mask. Leaving these in for 10-20 minutes would be the most beneficial. Please use caution, adding too much protein can make the hair brittle.


Henna is plant and acts as a natural conditioner, its bond is so strong that it will protect your hair against outside influences such as the sun, adding excess heat to your hair and or styling. If your hair is protected from harsh occurrences such as those, it will not interrupt the growth cycle.

Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, and Argan Oil

Use shea butter to make your hair grow by protecting the ends of your hair. Protecting the ends of your hair will reduce the amount of split ends. When the hair is too dry, it splits and breaks. If you experience this, you’ll hinder any hair growth. Making a concoction of coconut oil, argan oil, or shea butter will help your hair grow faster. Remember to only protect ends of the hair. Getting oil on your scalp can potentially cause bacteria, clog pores, and cause dandruff. If you are using a hair oil treatment such as with rosemary, remember to shampoo it out of the hair.

Hair growth Rosemary & Lavender scalp treatment.

Here is a simple trick to grow hair faster and that is to combine Rosemary essential oil with Lavender essential oil with a little base oil.

Base oil can be any oil of your choice that you have in your kitchen. Most of us, I would think, have extra virgin olive oil in our kitchen. Olive oil is perfectly fine to use.

One should remember, if its good enough to eat, its good enough to put on your body. Add 5 drops each of these oils. You can go less on the lavender if you think it will make you too calm. If you do not have any Rosemary or Lavender essential oil. You can try our high quality oils here: Organic Friuli Lavender & Rosemary. Depending on how much hair you have and the size of your scalp, I would go with approximately 1 tsp - 1tbs of base oil (olive oil).

Coconut oil is great to use on the scalp as well. You might make a mixture of coconut oil, olive oil, and almond oil. Castor oil is another oil that has been rumored to increase hair growth. Mix all of this together and pour small amounts on your scalp or you can use a dropper if you are addressing certain areas of your scalp. Massage well. After this, use shampoo to remove all the excess oil.

With this remedy, you will notice very quickly hair growth. If you are looking for a shampoo or conditioner to compliment your goal towards hair growth, we would recommend using our Bossa Nova Shampoo and or Conditioner, Ojai Lavender Shampoo and or Conditioner, and Refresh Shampoo.